Alicia Bassuk empowers leaders and teams globally with strategic guidance and innovative solutions, transforming organizational culture and performance to achieve unparalleled success.

Author: admin

Overview Have you ever had someone take credit for your work? Find out another employee is getting paid more than you for doing the same job? Puzzled about how to deal with the politics of your profession? Most workplace problems are people problems, and most people...

Product Description Publication Date: January 16, 2024 Is your workplace toxic? Toxic workplaces take many forms. Whether you're dealing with a narcissistic boss, a backstabbing colleague, endless microaggressions, or a culture of overwork and burnout, it can feel impossible to know what to do. Should you address the...

You know the moment: a mood-veering, thought-steering, pressure-packed interaction with a colleague, boss, or client where the right thing to say is stuck in a verbal traffic jam between your brain and your mouth. Sian Beilock, president of Barnard College and author of Choke, found that this...

Ever been bashed for wearing your heart on your sleeve? Slammed for being thin-skinned? Knocked for not being able to take a joke? In a world filled with microaggressions and macro hostilities, psychic bruising is often difficult to avoid. But you don't have to see...