Alicia Bassuk empowers leaders and teams globally with strategic guidance and innovative solutions, transforming organizational culture and performance to achieve unparalleled success.


Overview Have you ever had someone take credit for your work? Find out another employee is getting paid more than you for doing the same job? Puzzled about how to deal with the politics of your profession? Most workplace problems are people problems, and most people...

Product Description Publication Date: January 16, 2024 Is your workplace toxic? Toxic workplaces take many forms. Whether you're dealing with a narcissistic boss, a backstabbing colleague, endless microaggressions, or a culture of overwork and burnout, it can feel impossible to know what to do. Should you address the...

You know the moment: a mood-veering, thought-steering, pressure-packed interaction with a colleague, boss, or client where the right thing to say is stuck in a verbal traffic jam between your brain and your mouth. Sian Beilock, president of Barnard College and author of Choke, found that this...

Curiosity Opens Up So Much of YOU Curiosity expands your focus to exploration. It integrates you into the greater existence of the world, rather than convince you that the world exists because of you. Exceptional leaders have a profound curiosity about most everything that hooks their attention....

Who are YOU? Self-knowledge: an individual’s understanding of the character, behaviors, principles, values, motivations, emotions, beliefs, biases, virtues, flaws, limitations and capabilities that define and socially represent who you are. Imagine standing in the center of a great circular hall, completely surrounded by 360 doors, one door for...

What do you know about Leadership? A quarterback orchestrates a drive down field with less than two minutes to go in the fourth quarter, to set up the game-winning field goal. A chief of staff coordinates her medical team during a school shooting, as multiple victims...

Are You Ready? Leadership: the ability to influence, direct and enable others to combine their efforts to achieve. Leader: the person who acts with understanding of this definition. Think about light. To see it is to know exactly what it is. But look at it through a prism and...

Each year, before the start of the WNBA season and at the conclusion of the NBA season, I get hyped about watching two events, the draft for each league. I’m always inspired by and elated to see the annual showcase of young aspirants, often still...